Dive school in Bern
Have you ever wished to discover a completely new world and say goodbye to everyday life for a short time? Then we have good news for you: you don't have to go to the moon to do it! The underwater world also has its own magic, is very often devoid of people and awakens the spirit of discovery in you. At our diving school in Berne, we would like to pass on all this knowledge to you so that you can go on your very own journey of discovery - whether abroad or in Switzerland.
Our PADI 5* Instructor Development Centre offers you everything you need to soon be able to see the most beautiful underwater worlds with your own eyes. In our diving school in Bern there is even a large pool so that you can gain your first experiences in a safe environment. If you are already at an advanced level, we also have the right courses for you. And when we have finished the diving course, we enjoy a drink in relaxed company at our diving bar.
Learn to dive with diving courses at your level - In the largest diving school in Bern
Everything started with passion and a small dive shop in Bern. In the meantime it has grown into a large diving school with a versatile Course program. We offer you diving courses from beginner to professional level. You are welcome to come to our PADI Dive Centre for a consultation or to view our range of courses directly online. Together we will find the right diving course for you, which will take you further and be a lot of fun.
PADI Diving - Our team in Bern
Since 1972 TSK (formerly Tauchsport Käser) has been active in diving. Many things have changed and have been modernised, but something has remained the same: our motivation to offer you the best diving experience with professional instructors who will give you an educational and exciting diving course. Let’s explore the world together!
Unser Team in der Tauchschule

Andreas Schlegel

Andreas Wenger

Ann Klemann

Annina Bindschedler

Annik Heiniger

Barbara Gantner

Barbara Gfeller

Beat Fuchs

Bernard Witschger

Brigitte Aeschlimann

Céline König

Cesare Varetta

Christian Aeschbacher

Christine Hostettler

Christof Walker

Corinne Geiser

Daniel Haldimann
Daniel Schmid

Daniela Cornacchia
David Schmutz

Denise Keller

Dominique Roggo

Eliane Läderach

Eliane Trachsel

Erich Tschirren

Fabian Bächtold

Francesco Nicotra

Heinz Rohrer

Jaime Rebullida

Jan Peter
Jana Zurkinden

Janic Max Graser

Jens Röcken
Jürg Ottiker

Karin Hess
Kim Faul

Lars Fiechter

Laura Vogt
Lisa Winkler

Lukas Graf

Manuel Stucker

Marc Sallin

Marianne Wüthrich

Marco Bertossa

Marco Lüthi
Marius Buser

Markus Engelmann

Markus Hotz

Markus Künzi

Melanie Keller

Michael Vizeli

Mike Wüthrich

Milena Schläfli
Monika Blaser

Niccolo Steffen

Nicolas Bürki

Niklaus Galli

Olga Bingisser

Pascal Bonazza

Pascal Previdoli

Patrick Blanc

Patrik Bieri

Ralph Thomann
Reto Müller

Roger Michel

Roland Gast

Roland Läderach
Roman Pfammatter

Roman Schwob

Sabrina Thomann

Sandro Wittwer

Sara Häfliger

Simon Gottstein

Simon Kurz

Simon Ledermann

Stefan Frank

Stefan Mauerhofer

Stefanie Spahr

Stefanie Zimmermann

Stephan Kaltenrieder
Susanne Deubelbeiss

Thierry Hischier
Thomas Ebert

Urs Mosimann

Vanessa Cicoira

Viviane Steffen